(no subject)

Aug 05, 2012 17:47

It's funny when, accidentally, you mess up the name of the intro course your character is trying to write a syllabus for with the name of the intro course you habitually teach. In a different discipline. Project much, professor?


Sample of the questions my son has asked about the Olympics:

1. Is this lady rowing? I only want to watch lady rowing.
2. What is water polo?
3. Is this basketbowling?
4. What is a penalty? Why did that horse get a penalty? What is Big Ben? Why did the horse kick the London bus?
5. Why does he have metal legs? Why is he running with metal legs?
6. Why is she crying? Why does she have that flag?
7. When is there going to be lady trampoline? Can I watch lady trampoline?

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professor nahurriyeh complains, nahurriyeh family hilarity

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