Jan 14, 2005 12:38
Lifted from Koyote19
Post 15 facts about yourself, but five of them have to be made up. Everyone then guesses which are the untrue ones. Then, post this on your journal and see if I can guess which ones you're bluffing about!
1. I have been on 4 continents.
2. I have a working knowledge of 3 different alphabet systems.
3. I have had dinner with ambassadors from 2 countries.
4. If I could live in any country in the world it would be England.
5. I used to SCUBA dive and really miss it.
6. My great aunt once owned a bar on the corner of Hollywood and Vine in LA
7. I can not draw a good picture to save my life.
8. I have ridden a horse from Giza to Saqara and have photos to prove it.
9. I love squid and hate octopus
10. I was a lifeguard in High School.
11. I was once told to leave a class because I knew more about the subject than the guest lecturer.
12. I own a wolf-fur mini skirt and a mink stole.
13. I passed Calculus on the first try.
14. I have petted a alligator, a boa constrictor, a bear, a platypus, and a hedge hog.
15. I have an FBI file and am proud of it!