Feb 25, 2011 08:45
Slowly and surely I am getting too excited about heading to Germany. Preparing for this trip seems surreal and like I'm working towards a dream that will not come true. Though I hold my ticket in my hand and see that indeed this will be a reality, the idea has a hard time sinking in.
There are a million and one things I would like to do when I get back. One thing I am doing is a kayak tour of the Puget Sound. That will be something that is a "conquer your fear" type of event. Since I have not been able to go more then knee deep in any large bodies of water since I was 11. I'm also going to hike at least 3 mountains (probably not all the way). I want to go on a road trip, seeing another country is going to be great, but I want to see MY country, somehow I will go on my first road trip. Also at the end of it all and once fall settles in I am getting a tattoo on my foot of a big hairy tarantula, as a symbol that I can always overcome my fears and not let them keep me from getting anywhere.
My life can only get better from here, which is crazy to think about since I am so happy with "here". I look forward to changes and new experiences and I hope that they open up my mind to new ideas that will help me grow into a more understanding person.
new experiences,