May 02, 2007 00:30

It came out a day early!!!  I thought it was May 2nd, but for some reason they were showing it today!

I SAW SPIDER-MAN 3.  In fact, I just got back!  It was very good, if I do say so myself.  I've never been particularly good at reviewing movies, so I'm barely even going to try...suffice it to say that I greatly enjoyed the Sandman.  His special effects were awesome, and his character was very multi-faceted, which was nice.  I did miss the pookies from the second movie, but their replacement was quite worthy of his screen time.

As far as acting goes, Bryce Dallas Howard didn't annoy me nearly as much as I thought she would--she wasn't bad at all.  And Kirsten Dunst was amazing--she pretty much owned a couple of the scenes.  She's such a wonderful actress.  I also really like what they did with Harry.  The action scenes were excellent as well--somewhat predictable, of course, but that doesn't detract from their awesomeness in the least.

All in all, I'm looking forward to seeing it again...and again.  And then some more.  Two things, though.  I hate the British reporter, and I hate the kid with the camera.  And Peter's emo hair.  You'll see.  That's it.  End of complaining.  Go see this movie!  Oh wait, you can't yet.  Sorry, that was uncalled for.  But I'm stuck in Egypt and you're not, so I feel like I get to gloat just a little bit.  Tee hee.


The end.
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