Mar 15, 2006 16:17
Well, today has certainly been interesting. I had class at 9:00 AM this morning--any guesses as to what time I woke up? That would be 8:55...haha. I would have just skipped, except we had a paper due. Miraculously, I managed to get there at 9:05, wearing all the right articles of clothing and everything. Anyhow, I've kind of been in a daze all day since then. I had 2 midterms, one in my Islam Lit class, and one in Speech and Hearing Science. I'm not really sure how I did on either of them, which sort of sucks. Ohhhh well.
So it turns out I'm going to be in Chicago (well, near Chicago, at any rate) from Sunday till Friday. Yes, that is a long time. Grrrr. The reason is that my externship sponsor is available on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. On Wednesday, I'll probably be going into the city for the day and visiting a museum or two. Anyone want to come??? You know you do. But anyhow, since I found out about this so late and ALL the hotels are full, I have to stay in some random suburb called Matteson (?) and take the train in every day. This makes me nervous. I will probably get lost and die. And also, this means that I have to get up ridiculously early in order to be at the Federal Court building at 8:45 AM. Laaaaaame.
I am really excited about this externship, though. It sounds so interesting! I hope I get to watch some high-profile terrorist case or something. That would be sweet. And my sponsor is a native Arabic speaker, so maybe we'll speak Arabic together! She sounds pretty nice, although of course I can't tell for sure until I meet her.
Today, my roommate and I had this really deep discussion about death and the end of the universe and such. It was quite interesting, but it creeped me out...a lot. We concluded that I believe in some skewed form of reincarnation, i.e. reincarnation that is not necessarily confined to this planet/galaxy/universe. She, on the other hand, believes that there is absolutely nothing after death. Just...nothing. That scares the hell out of me, and besides, I don't really believe that there is such a thing as "nothing"...therefore, I disagree.
Aaaaanyhow, sorry for that random philosophical tangent. I should probably go do my AIESEC office hours. What shall I do tonight? Perhaps I'll watch a movie...uh, yeah. Hasta luego.
Update at 1:15 AM: Cruel Intentions is a pretty sweet movie.