a dash of autism makes the plate unusually delicioso

Nov 02, 2005 00:05

Ever since a crazy acid trip with my partner christudious a while back i have been stuck on this idea of an autistic farm... see when i was a motivated brazen kid volunteering consumed my time, and one of my favorite places to go was the handicapped preschool class. i fell in love with the children- because most of the young tykes were far from dumb. anistasia refused to talk and would for no reason have crazy hysteria attacks... i assumed probably a flashback from the abuse brought on by the russian orphanage she resided in before her trek to america. the teachers would not try to console her but they would put her in a leaded jacket and place her in the corner. i was disgusted immediatly with this outlandish behaivor- she became my responsibility (thankfully). another favorite of mine was an adopted chinese child who was thought to be autistic. she was out of her mind completly. she wouldnt talk- only when she had important things to say, other times she would behave much like an animal. but she knew her alphabet and colors and even some spelling at the age of 3!!!! i began to study not only sign language (the teachers didnt know sign language and anistasia did) but autism... which brings me to my point... autism is merely genius disguised. many autistic children are not genius but socially awkward, but come on.... many say that Einstein, Newton, Bob Dylan, Mozart, even Bill Gates!!! look it up for yourself http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speculation_of_famous_people_who_might_have_autism
i just love wikipedia!!!!

when i get enough money i will adopt many autistic children and place them in rooms with one object (different objects for ones)- violins, clocks, pen and paper, etc and let them go on and be the genius that is inside of them!
just felt like sharing... because i love learning... when it isnt boring :)
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