May 19, 2005 20:22
its the most bizarre thing, but i cant seem to get this scene from the godfather part II out of my head...for those of you whove seen it, you might understand. pacino is freaking awesome, and i couldnt figure out just why i thought so until this part...
so hes found out that his brother fredo helped these guys to attempt to kill him, and he goes up to fredo and he grabs him and he kisses him hard on the lips and tells him, "i know it was you, fredo. i know it was you. and it breaks my heart." there was just this intensity, this immense aggression and yet sadness in the kiss and in the way he said it. so deep that it caused me to feel unidentifiable but potent emotion just watching it. somehow it was just incredibly, incredibly powerful, phenomenal even. perhaps one of the best single scenes in film that ive ever seen.
the worst part is that i cant even explain why i feel the way i do about it, why it remains with me hours after--not just the memory of the scene, but this residue of some kind of strange emotion that i cant seem to categorize.
hmm. good movies are a lot like good books.