Nov 26, 2004 21:55
Sometimes I wonder if it's all a dream.
I worry that I'm going to wake up and my life is going to be how it was 9 months ago.
And thats sad.
I wonder if i deserve the life I have.
I mean I know that I complaine that I don't have friends anymore, and that in a few months I'm going to be forgoten, but I really wonder if I deserve Rick.
I know, I know... it's stupid right?
But really, nothing like this has ever happened to me.
I mean I lost almost every friend I've had, but yet I'm still so happy.
I get off the phone with him and I can't stop smiling.
When I go visit him I always have so much fun, even if it is just us sitting on the couch watching movies for hours, I'm happy.
I've never loved anyone before.
I've never been loved by anyone before.
I like the feeling. It's nice.
I like him, he's nice. He's different. I love the way he smiles (with his teeth) when i tickel his belly-botton, or the bottom of his feet. And I love how we fall asleep holding hands, and how in the morning he always looks at me and smiles, and says "what's up babe?" then he gives me a kiss. I love how it seems that he cant go 1 min withough giving me a kiss, even when were with his family... which is wierd for me. I love how he tells me all the time that he loves me, and that he doesn't think he could any better than me because he thinks I'm perfect. Even know I don't agree at all, it's still nice to here. I love how he absoutly loves my friends. I love how he suprise's me with foot-rubs, I mean come on who does that? And before we go to sleep he always offers a back rub. He always suprises me with little treats, like my teddy bear, which I love.I just love everything about him. He really is perfect.(I mean really, what boy gives random foot, and back rubs?.. not any boy I've ever met.) And everytime he doesn't let me pay for something, which is always, and I ask why he didnt let me pay.. he alawys says..."cause thats what boy's do amie.."
I love him.
Thats all i can say.
Theres nothing about him that I don't like. Okay there is 1 thing- he smokes. Buuuttt hes trying to cut back? hehe.. hopefully... but I still love him.
" Your smile is like the sun to me..."