KEN: Harry called last night. We missed him.
RAY: Jesus, he swears a lot, doesn't he?
KEN: We're staying in tonight, whatever happens.
RAY: Mmmm 'Cept. Mmmm.
KEN: "Mmmm 'Cept. Mmmm.", what?
RAY: 'Cept only one of us needs to stay in... really.
KEN: Uh-huh. And which one of us would that be now, Ray? I thought you didn't like Bruges?
RAY: I don't like Bruges-it's a shithole-but I did already say I had a date with a Belgian lady in the Belgian film business which I did already say about before...
KEN: Just don't get into any fucking trouble. We're keeping a low profile. AND this morning AND this afternoon we are doing what I want to do. Got it?
RAY: Of course... which I assume will involve culture.
KEN: Oh, we shall strike a balance between culture and fun.
RAY: Somehow, I believe, Ken, that the balance shall tip in the favour of culture, like a big fat fucking retarded black girl on a see-saw... opposite a dwarf.