Apparently, Saddam Hussein
has a new book out in Japan. From what I can tell, it's a sort of a roman à clef cross between Higgins' The Eagle Has Landed and Proust's À la recherche du temps perdu in which the main character reminisces about how he massacred Kurdish separatists in his youth and details his military accomplishments against the Zionist-Crusader entity. There is little doubt that this novel will go down in literature as a work equal in stature and density to War and Peace and my upcoming biography of Bernard Manning.
But what has this all got to do with the Hellenic philosopher Epicurus and his foul, unfathomable, godless teachings, I hear you shout from the gallery in St.Paul's. Bugger all, sir/madam. I just had all the bastard's books burned. They were insolent.
Has anyone actually bothered to go see The Da Vinci Code yet or is anyone planning to? I'd quite like to since it's reported to be a laugh (quite literally according to the Cannes verdict), but I feel compelled to protest due to the film and books' venomous portrayal of Silas the monk as a stereotypically evil albino assassin. Many of my closest friends are albinos and only a handful of them can be accurately described as evil. So
here's a list from the good folks at about how people with albinism have been depicted as villains throughout the history of the motion picture. And they didn't even need to include Sephiroth.