Ze Term!

Sep 08, 2006 17:34

Zo. Ze term is looking pretty excellent. I'm feeling disturbingly froshly - excited about classes? wanting to tool? I am bitter & jaded, dammit.

12.008? Most totally awesome class EVAR. Oh lord. I've always had a thing for dynamical systems, and combining them with models & simulations & delicious things of that nature is just...yeah. Oh man. It's like an orgy. Of me. And dynamics.

8.05, while less debauched, nonetheless looks to be pretty nice. Unexpected discovery of the summer: I like QM. I really like QM. Where'd that come from?

And then Junior lab. Initial verdict: AWEterribleSOME? By which I mean, potentially awesome with some terrible bits. Like a Thomsonian atom. Reasoning:
1. I have a lab partner. He has black hair, not orange, but he seems nice enough & he's an experimentalist. I dunno if I'd call myself a hardcore theorist - I get fed up with the really abstract stuff, like theoretical math & string theory - but I dunno much about actual experimental things.
2. Third Scott says we can take stuff apart! Hells yeah.
3. I have this suspicion I might really like giving presentations. The question of how to optimally present information, both orally and on slides, is both non-trivial & kind of fascinating.
4. Writing papers! For the same reasons as 3. Plus, I like writing. In regards to which, anybody have suggestions of exceptional papers to read? Favorites?
5. Bet I can sneak some modelling in. :)
1. It's still Junior lab.
2. 8.05 & 12.008 (& possibly Greek, once that starts) are non-trivial courses.
3. ZOMG JLAB AAAAAH meh whatever. It's the weekend. Someone remind me to panic on, oh, Monday evening.

Note to Self: BITTER. & JADED. Yup sure.
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