For the past month or so, there has been a power struggle on my, and it finally happened.
Kanjani8 has surpassed RENTRER EN SOI.
I always knew it was going to happen, but I didn't realize how soon it was going to occur.
I am happy with the change, but at the same time it makes me sad.
RES is a great band, but now that they have broken up, I no longer have that drive to listen to them over and over again.
Also the whole Johnny's Entertainment genre I have now is totally not helping.
I just set it to that genre and let it playyyyy~
It doesn't help that 45% of that genre is Kanjani8 either...
Aah, oh well.
I've been calling Kanjani8 my favorite band of all time, so it's not bad to actually have them at the top of my charts~
Can't wait for Puzzle!
I have to order it soon =.=;;