(no subject)

Mar 04, 2009 22:20

I know it hasn't been too long since the last post, but I'm in the middle of writing an essay, but I don't want to write an essay, sooooo
While my parents were here last weekend, we went to Wal-Mart.
We were supposed to go there to get food and stuff for my dorm, but I had different plannnnsss.
A couple months ago, during Christmas Break, I think, I saw my little cousins playing with Power Rangers RPM figures, and for those of you out there who aren't aware, that's the American equivalent of ENGINE SENTAI GO-ONGER!!!
I've been watching the series off of TVN and when I saw them, I flipped.
Picture a 19 year old asking her 3 and 5 year old cousins if they still kept the original Japanese names or if they changed them to American names...
It didn't go well.
"What's the Blue one's name?"
"Blue Guy!"
My joy was shortlived.
But the accidently left them at my house, so I got to play with them some~<3
But, anyway, while we were at Wal-Mart, I decided to check the toy section to see if they had any and OMG.
They totally did!
Not only the action figures, but the Zords as well!
...Fangirling in a children's toy section is not the best idea out there, but I totally did it.
So I was at a crossroads (With a Denny's on one corner and an IHOP on the other! D:) I didn't know if I should get three action figures, or if I should get Engine-O, so I ran over to my dad and asked him, and he said,
"I don't care. Get what you want."
D; No help.

So, after many much deliberation, I decided on:

I am so happy with my decision.
Everytime I look at it, I squeal a little. <3
And just to procrastinate more, I will post a few more pictures ^O^

This is Engine-O taken apart into the three separate parts: (left to right) Speedor, Bear-V, and Buson.
It will be a little more obvious in the next picture.

They livveeeeee!!!
They are actually a little difficult to work...
I'd like to see a 4 year old to this shit. D<

This one is just for fun~
It's like Engine-O, but they are standing on top of eachother!!! XD
It was a bitch to do too, so you better appreciate this shit.

And in this picture, you can see my nerdom coming to life.
The little action figures are Kamen Riders.
The red round thing on the left is a Daruma.
Behind it and to the right is erasers shaped like utensils and food.
The blob of light blue on the right and behind Engine-O is Gyarados in its original packaging.
When I'm pissed, I look at this and giggle~

Super Hero Time and Johnny's make my life all happy and rainbows.
Now if only I can get some Johnny's on my desk, then I will be all set.
Not action figures, though.
I'm not picky; any of them would do.

Okay, back to work.
(After I get some food...)

engine sentai go-onger, kamen rider, johnny's

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