"Take a look at my girlfriend..."

May 06, 2007 11:49

...only, don't, because I'm not his girlfriend. I sure acted like it last night, though. I was probably way too nice. Kevan's been sick since the middle of last week, and it's gotten worse most likely because he went out Thursday night and had 19 shots on his 21st. Anyway, he called me last night around 9 and said he was going home for the night, but I persuaded him to come over because I wanted to take care of him. He brought his guitar and played it for a couple of hours. During the course of the night, I let him use up the rest of my tissues, I got him 5 cups of water, made him chicken soup, gave him a full-body massage and, by the time we fell asleep, let him take up most of my bed--not that he doesn't do that anyway; he is a gangly giant, after all. He did seem quite appreciative, saying he'd never been so well-cared for when he was sick--I took that to mean never by any mere girl whose other name isn't Mom.

He ended up saying some pretty interesting things. Earlier yesterday he'd met up with his ex-fiancee for breakfast and she'd apparently been going through the pictures he'd taken on his new phone. She'd come across the one he'd taken of me and said, "She's really pretty." To that I said, "Oh, that's nice." He said, "Yeah, pretty much everyone I've mentioned you to, they've always had something like that to say--like, 'She's really pretty' or 'She's hot' or 'She's gorgeous.'" I said, "I was not aware of this." He said, "Yeah, there are a lot of guys out there who think you're really attractive." Must make Kevan feel quite lucky, then, because he realizes that I could be with anyone else, yet I choose to be with him...even though I can still get with anyone I choose, because we're not together. I felt so good last night when he had said that no other girl had done anything like what I did for him. I guess part of me, while doing all that, felt like I just wanted him to see what great girlfriend material I would be. But of course he won't realize that unless I quite literally shout it in his ear.

Yeah, I was way too nice.
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