Coffee and VANILLA in the morning...<3
Haha, but the title isn't all that off, since I really do love those Vanilla Lattes, they're addicting xD
I've got a whole hour until I have to go to the bus and take my Chemistry B-exam... Wish me luck!
It's too early, I'm dying a bit... Damn you Gackt with your lovely, too hot fanservice!<3
I pretty much know the Vanilla-dance by heart now lol...
His adorable weird little dances!<3
But he has gotten alot better now the latest year or so :p
I mean, look at the WoWoW airing of YFC Swimsuit Final... Damn does he dance... *drool*
*playing that YFC concert over and over again in my head*
Yes, my mind is sometimes a video recorder, I'm weird and I know it and I own it;)
It was so nice this morning, woke up with Faraway on my iPod... <3
Great song to wake up to! It makes you happy.
I'm usually the worst morning person ever, but he cheers me up.
So well, here you go... A YFC pic from Barks magazine
We even get a small pic of Chacha :)
I love Chacha (if you haven't already
He's adorable.
Anyone else totally drooling over Gackt's abs? Anyone?
I bet you do...