Getting better

Feb 18, 2012 20:20

... at updating, ne?
Actually there's a lot I want to say but I keep forgetting about it *pout*
Yesterday, I found such a great Tumblr! Go check it out~
Even though it's packed with our beloved guitarist, there's also G, YFC, X Japan and other j-rock bands in there too... But mostly Chacha and Gackt  (: And cute pictures of cats! So, there was quite the Chacha-fangirl streak for me yesterday *laugh*
But c'mon, he is the fucking Legendary guitarist of Kansai! And he has fabulous hair, I'm slightly jelly.



(And damn, why is that guitar in the way....)

See? SEE?!?! Do you understand why I love GacktxChacha NOW?!

And when I see this:

I get like this:

Oh, G, you're perfect for making macros, .GIFs and expressing how I feel for me <3

And did you see Chacha's blog?! He's so gorgeous~
(Yes, this is a image-spammed entry, deal with it)
I want his hair! And I can't believe he soon turns 52!
His birthday is the day before mine, March 3 ^___^

And only G and Chacha gets away with those tight animal print pants. Seriously.
Cha looks cute in them and G... as always in tight pants... looks fucking hot. 
I know this shoot is argued about, but come on, hot Gackt is HOT.

Just look at him. THOSE ABS... and... tight, oh so tight, really incredibly tight pants. 
Well, this pic from the same shoot is quite awesome too...

Lusty eyes, hand in pants and on crotch, tummy and nipple showing...

And to Chahca and ahose animal prints!
Cha even manages to mix different animal prints and get away with it. Huh.

Don't we just love that adorable man?

And thus - some lovely music by G with awesome guitar playing by Chacha!
(he do love flipping his hair *laugh*... and G's voice <333)

image Click to view

Now I won't spam more *laugh*
That's it for now!

gacktxchacha, chacha, fanservice, pic, gackt, .gif, video, fangirling

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