Aug 31, 2008 19:21
Finally did yesterday what I wanted to do ever since I came to know of the concept - gave blood.
On 30th August, 2008, my college organised a blood donation camp.
It was a great experience, though I don't like the word 'donate' much. It's more like a duty of the healthy people to share the gift of life with those who need it. I wish I could have given more than the 1 unit I gave.
I admit I was quite nervous. I had never been able to stand needles - vaccinations and blood tests were always an ordeal. Yet, this time I was determined to bear all the pain and fear, because I knew this was necessary. Went for the haemoglobin test the day before. Didn't scare the technicians witless for once.
In the morning, I got myself registered, but ran when they told me to lie down and be the first one - normal human behaviour, I suppose. Five minutes later I was getting a needle inserted into my arm. What a thick needle it was!! I was afraid that I would faint if I saw my blood, but nothing happened, felt quite detached. I called Ayush meanwhile. Poor baby, he was asleep and I woke him up and didn't let him sleep till the needle was taken out. Scolded him on top of that. Makes me wonder if he'll answer my call the next time.
My classmate Rimmy was on duty. She forced me to sit and eat some fruits. Nicknamed her 'mummy' for that. After she allowed me to get up I went and teased my friend Varun, who was also giving blood. After he was free we both went and teased our friend Jayant. While Jayant was giving blood( the poor guy wasn't very comfortable), Varun and me chatted about lots of things - his crush, his disinterest in studies, our NGO group Spirit India, just about any random topic we could come up with. When Jayant came we teased Varun about being too shy about approaching the girl he likes.
Gunny was also there, but she was on duty. Still, she took out time to enquire about me every few minutes. Our seniors on duty were also quite concerned. They were also from Spirit India and were very friendly.
All in all, had a lot of fun. Though the procedure took just 5 minutes, it gave me a sense of satisfaction that's still lingering. It gave me a chance to know my friends better, and to make new friends.
I felt like calling up Nitz and telling her how she inspired me, but I guess this is not something I can tell her over the phone.
It's because of this blood we give that people like her, suffering from diseases like Thalessemia, Leukemia, etc, or people requiring blood during surgery, can continue to live. It is the duty of every healthy adult to give blood, to give life.
Maybe one day the blood I gave will go to Nitz. I really hope so.