I decided to pick one of the uni sims that was in the sim bin, when I started Cooper's Falls (my custom neighborhood based on a real ghost town in Canada) so....
Before: Marla Biggs, mousy, in Hufflepuff (lol) and in desperate need of telling that shoulder pads were out a loooooooooooong time ago. (Actually I forgot to fix my settings so that the graphics were better ☺)
After, a slightly less mousy Marla, not in Hufflepuff (or any house) but in Academie le Tour; prestigious university! Also a wee bit worried for some reason. Don't ask. LOL
Marla rolled the want to see a ghost being a knowledge sim, but I had just begun playing the damn game and have little to no CC btw, but um... yeah, so I made an elder sim named Katharine "Kathy" Cobb with the intent to.. off her so that Marla could see a ghost...
Alas Kathy died on an empty lot.
Grimmy: What? Even the grim reaper has to shit sometimes!!!
Marla who STILL needs to lose weight, meets the evil witch Elizabeth St. Julien. Damn it! How the hell does one get on her good side? I want Marla to become an evil witch.... or a good witch... idk...
That's all for now...
I have the Sims 2, 3 and 4 so expect good shit.
I'm out.