9095 ★ 九十九十五 FIGHTING!!!

Nov 28, 2010 22:56

Ok, this post is dedicated to my beloved friend Kitty and her amazing group 9095,...all this info bellow is copy & paste from their facebook and all, but...yeah, please read and please please please support them~ please!

Hi cassies~
I'm writing you all to ask for a favor ^^
Well, this year the korean channel, MBC made a global audition through youtube, I have a group that makes covers of DBSK and we auditioned, but to get into the final, they made a voting system...
There are two groups, first MBC will let people select the 500 first auditions and then the MBC judges will choose 50 among the 500.
We aren't expecting to be among the 50... we know that there are people much talented than us, but to be into the 500 it would be really nice, we just want to be a little bit known for what we do and love.
The voting system doesn't let us to give you a single link, 'cause they made a special voting system. We submited 2 videos, both are different parts of the DBSK song Love in the Ice, the first part and the last part of the song.

With the voting system that they made is kind of hard to find us, 'cause in the tag our country (Chile) doesn't appear... so as the DBSK and Pop tag... so the easiest way to find our group is:
The link of website is:www.youtube.com/user/mbcaudition

You have to go to Gallery, and search it like this :

Country Tag: Other
Genre: Other
Tags: Star
Sort: Username (A-Z)

The last video on the second row [from left to right] and The first video on the third row [from left to right]

So... we are asking to you all for just one vote and view ^^... you can vote once a day, but watch it a lot of times :)... the voting starts today nov. 28th and finishes on dec. 3rd... so please~ try to vote as much as you can, and view it as much as you can too, make spam with it... everything you can do :3 it will mean a lot for us...

Thanks :)

9095 ★ 九十九十五

Edited :3 with the info that my friend gave me xD
PD: this is our facebook web page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/9095-jiu-shi-jiu-shi-wu/325853612162?v=wall

this is our youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/NinetyNinetyFive

this is out twitter: _9095


Niños, les escribo para pedirles un favor ... es algo muy importante para mi

Bueno, al grano xD ... La mbc que es un canal coreano esta haciendo una audicion por Youtube para buscar el proximo idol xDD [el premio es que nos llevan a corea y nos pagan el debut como cantantes *O*] y con mi grupo 9095 audicionamos

Sooo ....los amaria aun mas si votan por nuestros 2 videos y los ven tantas veces como les sea posible xD [Solo se puede votar una vez al dia por cada video, pero pueden verlos cuantas veces se les antoje xD] desde hoy hasta el 3 de dic [o sea el viernes]

Que voten es sumamente importante, ya que el jurado solo vera los 500 videos mas votados y mas vistos ... Asi que por favoooooor voten!! T-T

Bueno para los que hayan decidido ayudarnos aki va la info para votar [lamentablemente no les puedo dar un link directo porke el canal no lo permite ¬¬]:

Deben ir a este canal de YT: http://www.youtube.com/user/mbcaudition

Apretar donde dice Gallery y buscar nuestros videos de la siguiente forma :
Country: Other
Genre: Other
Tags: Star
Sort: Username(A-Z)

Ahi nos veran en la 2º Fila, el ultimo de izquierda a derecha. 3º Fila, el primero de izquierda a derecha, tal como lo muestra esta foto :

Bueno a todos los que se den la paha de buscarnos, vernos y votar se los agradezco infinitamente T-T Y si quieren repartir la info entre todos sus conocidos los amare mil veces mas n.n

Besos :3

Please dear friends, please support them, they are really talented and really deserve an opportunity
so please, I ask you for your support to them
yes? please? thank you

spampost, fangirlism, help!, music stuff, i approve

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