Masakiiiiiiiii!! 8D ...+ school stuffs

Feb 10, 2012 02:53

I have to say that I'm having another Aiba-love attack DX!! ;______________; Taiheeeeeeen!! hahaha xD

It's really too much for my poor heart!! For a few days now I've been melting every time I see him u.u Is it me or is he really looking extra awesome nowadays? ._. Tell me!!! DX!!!! xD

Oh Masaki, you're pretty!! (>.<) <3

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aibaby :3, languages, masaki rabu, ew-stuff

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kataomi February 16 2012, 02:04:34 UTC
Lol Dont forget about miste buta ne ???? XD ...Even if I admit ...Aiba is cute ! I like him a lot too ! I never have been sure wich was my favorite in Arashi ...Aiba or Sho !

I think everyone is pissed off by thoose stupid law ! I mean .....I wouldnt have to download stuff if there was egal sharing of CD-DVD- TV SHOW - MAGZ and all. And trasnlation too .....Japanese show ...I cant have them on my TV ! Breaking the download of asians stuff will just cut the expension of the 'kpop and jpop' over the world !

You seem to learn a lot of langage ! Lucky you !!! I dont think I could learn that much langages !!! I'm trying to subscribe to japanese class to the university of my city ....I hope I will succeed ...and that I can learn it without failing all the class ^^'''....I'm so affraid !

Where are you living ??? That is pretty cool that there is someone from Quebec to help you with french pronounciation. Though Quebec accent and french from France accent is pretty difference. There is a lot of expressions and words from Quebec and France that is not the same ! I like your sentence XD ...Really funny !!! If you want other Quebec expression to seem cool in your class ..ask it to me Je pourrai t'aider sans aucun problème ! Faut bien que mon francais de québécoise puisse servir un jour! XD

Si j'écris le reste de mon commentaire en francais, est-ce que tu vas le comprendre ??? If you like me to write you in French from now on to make your practice ...just ask me ne ?

The ones that help me and make me happy all the time Tegomasu or NEWS. I watched the making of ..of Tegomasu no mahou PV last week ...and I just smiled like a dumb while watching it. They had that 'special' magic XD.


amai_yo February 16 2012, 07:43:50 UTC
xD Sorry, sorry!! It's just that Aiba really stole my heart! xD And I used to have the same problem: "Sho or Aiba? Aiba or Sho? DX" But I guess Aiba won u.u xD

I hope it all settles down soon DX I don't want to lose my Internet ;_;

It's just that I enjoy languages classes very very much! (>.<) They make my day brighter 8D Sometimes it's hard but it's worth it! :D So ganbatte and if you ever, ever, ever need any help just let me know!! :DDD

I live in Mexico City :) Oh yeah, our teacher told us that and I noticed it as well xD But I can understand most of the time so I guess it's ok xD And it always helps to be able to listen to a native speaker so I'm happy. I have class with him again this afternoon, let's see how it goes :3

And yay!! You liked my sentence!! xD Merci beaucoup!! J'aimerais si tu pourrais m'aider apprendre le francais québécoise!! Is that well written?! Conjugation's getting on my nerves!! xD

Oui!! J'ai compris!! *-* It would be nice if you wrote in French 8D I think I might be able to understand, but what I'm not sure is if I would be able to... repondre! xD Les verbes!! Ils sont méchants!! DX hahaha

They make me happy too, but with the lack of activities and all that. It's hard! (>.<) Hopefully it'll get better now, ne? :3 And, on the other hand, Arashi has like millions of episodes of different shows so I started watching them and got addicted xP

Thanks a LOT for your comments, they made me very happy :3 *hugs*


kataomi February 24 2012, 02:48:51 UTC
Oh come on ....when Sho will be topless you will waver again XD.

Yes I will ask if I need help ! I just hope to be admited in the class now !

Mexico far away !!! I would like to do that ....behing a foreigner native speaker to go help people learn my langage ! Though I dont think I could be a real good teacher XD ...I'm not good enough in french lol.

''J'aimerais si tu pouvais m'aider à apprendre le francais québécois !'' (( Though you can only sait québécois and it's enough ! )). I may do written mistake in french thought ^^''' ....I'm not good with that .....*fail*

C'est correct ! Je pourrais écrire en français et tu pourrais répondre en anglais. Quoi que ce serait une vrai pratique si tu me répondrais aussi en français.



amai_yo February 24 2012, 09:24:41 UTC
DX I don't think so!! ...ok, let's wait for Anan 8Db xD No, no!! Aiba = Rabu u.u xD

I hope you get admitted ne! :D

Well, at least we're in the same continent xD It would be nice, right? *-* I'd like to do it in Japan 8D *dreaming* xD

Pourrais/pouvais ;_; Why imperfait, why do you not like me!? ;_; xD No, really, all this conjugation stuff is a lot to handle o.o Poor people learning French or Spanish or Italian DX I mean, it's hard to remember all the conjugations but if you have no idea of these languages it might be even harder, don't you think? As in, what if your mother tongue is Japanese? o.O (>.<)

Je... *trying to remember how to say 'tr GOT IT! 8Db" J'essayerais de le fair mais je ne sais pas si je pourrai... DX (Is that correct? I had exam yesterday so I think I conjugated well this time xD ...ok I'll try to write that in French, I have to practice!! (>.<) Here it goes: C'est correct ? J'ai un examen hier donc je crois que j'ai conjugué correctement cette fois ?? ._.?)


kataomi February 29 2012, 22:40:50 UTC
Ummmm Anan ....the one I'm waiting endlessly is the one that will reveal Massu's body !!!

Yes the same continent ! I dont talk to a lot of person on the same continent than me on internet !!! lol. I would also like to do it in Japan !!!

If I would be japanese ...I would probably dont learn french XD tooooo hard !!!

''J'essayerai de le faire mais je ne sais pas si je pourrai !'' But that was close to be good !!! ^^ Bravo !

And :

''J'ai eu un examen hier donc je crois que j'ai conjugué correctemnt cette fois''

Gambatte !!! ^^


amai_yo March 1 2012, 08:09:44 UTC
xD Ooooh I know!!! But they surely think that Massu is too cute to be in Anan, right?! u.u

Really?! Then I'm privileged!! x3 haha xP

xDDD Oooooh, I knooow!!! All those exceptions are driving my classmates and me crazy!! But it's still fun to learn!! xD

DX Stupid "s"! ¬¬° <- Shakes fist at "s" xD And for some reason I always write "faire" without the "e", I noticed a few days ago x_x...

xDDD I laughed at that last one, how could I forget the verb?!?! xDDD hahaha

Thanks again and ganbarimassu~ x3


kataomi March 6 2012, 03:37:16 UTC
That is too bad for them ...or not ...ITS BAD FOR US. Because Massu definetly could be in Anan all the time !

Gambatte ! There is words like that ....even for me in french XD.

You are welcome ! It's always a pleasure to help you ^^


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