matters of epic importance

Nov 08, 2008 23:20

The whole world was watching. By morning, the Obamas were flooded with advice on how to choose the First Dog. Once again, Obama had shown he could capture the imagination of red and blue Americans alike. And once again, they resorted to partisan bickering.

The American Kennel Club, which has been on the case for months, urged the Obamas to get a poodle. An August poll of 42,000 Americans selected the breed largely because of its low-dander coat. (Malia has allergies.) Animal-welfare groups chimed in with pleas for the family to adopt a shelter dog, and the humorless wags at People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals declared that buying a purebred would be "elitist."

The Boston Globe gives the Goldenoodle Lobby a voice here.

This is Serious Business, y'all.

And with that, I bring you:

I hope this post brings you as many smiles as it brought me. :)
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