Japanese Kaiseki!

May 15, 2010 16:33

Today was another super fun Saturday night with my students... maybe TOO fun as you'll see at the end of this post (>.<)

First, the appetizer, Squid and daikon. It was really good, and the squid, even though it was a large piece, was not chewy, but soft.

Western style salad:

Japanese Sake served in traditional, overflowing cups. This is a neat way to drink, but messy at the same time. I have no idea WHAT kind of Nihonshuu this was BUT it got us all drunk really really fast, we didn't even know what hit us hahahaha

Grilled "Black Throat" fish. I am usually really scared of eating fish whole because of the bones, but this was so easy to eat and tasted like cream. Excellent!!

Sashimi!!!!!!! Everything was soooooooooo gooodddd !!! And I like the blue beautiful plate (like the sea) with a makeshift boat ^^

Deep Fried Something!

I still have no idea what it is. It tasted like Katsuo (fish), with Konbu (kind of seaweed), deep-fried batter, and popping round things??? It was cool nonetheless, especially since it was on a stick.

DELICIOUS BEEF. I love Japanese beef <3 <3 <3

Us after our wonderful meal and drinks <3

If you know me at all, you would know how much I LOVE ballons!!!

On my way home.... I decided to take a pic of what I look like from my perspective. Yes, I think I was that gone....

There are more strange pics (lollool I went to McDonalds by myself just to take strange pics) that NO ONE will ever ever see!! Haha I wish I knew the name of what we were drinking so I can avoid that stuff =P


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