
Mar 28, 2010 23:41

Well, this was a trip of extremes.

Woke up extremely early. Was on the train for a lonnnnggg 6 hours (3 hours each way). Was extremely cold that day, so we shivered the whole time while waiting in line. Waited in line for 2 hours for a 1 minute ride, then another 3 hours for the Horror Hospital. Extremely scared in the hospital! LOOOTTSS of waiting in general.. I think we went on a total of 6 rides. And since the weather was so crappy, we couldn't see Mount Fuji even though it's Fuji-Q Highland!! But the fun parts, were REALLY FUN.

So in the end it was definitely an experience.

Some background information... I really ONLY wanted to go to see the Horror Hospital. Horror movies don't scare me and other ghost houses that I've been to didn't scare me so I really wanted to go and try to BE scared.

Shige agreed to come despite being scared of heights. Isn't he the best?

Here is the new roller coaster that the park just got ええじゃないか!

It was the first thing we rode and the wait was long and excruciatingly cold. We couldn't even talk! The ride itself was fun, tons of flipping around, but my face was frozen and my hands were blue by the end. (>.<)

We then ate lunch, Shige made Chahan and eggs! (Please ignore the LUSH bag...inside joke.)

After that, Ferris Wheel Time! Shige was most scared of this one cause I HAD to choose the 100% see-through carriage/cage (does anyone know what those things are called?!?!?).

View from near the top. As you can see, no Mt. Fuji. *sadface*faceplam* :*(

I am sooo terrified of sharks. Shige wanted me to get IN it for a pic, but this was as close as I could get...

Then we went to one Ghost house, which was basically us sitting in the dark while they played someone's voice telling a story.... it was sooo warm I fell asleep.

Then we went to the Horror Hospital.

And started our 3 hour long wait. In the cold. While it snowed.

I am not going to lie, I was terrified. It took us about 35 minutes to go through all the rooms (maybe 40ish rooms), and halfway through I didn't want to go anymore and Shige had to reason with me to get me to go LOL.

Here's a quick run down of the experience, although I tell it MUCH better than I can write it (Tony, maybe you can re-write this for me later? haha). After a short video of the hospitals "history", and another short wait (since they had to space out the groups of people about 2 minutes apart), we walked down a long hallway. Halfway there was a (real person acting as a) zombie "patient" who was walking awkwardly and making grumbling noises... I was a little apprehensive since I didn't know what he would do, so I was holding Shige's hand. And as we walked past him, he darted REALLY FAST after us and I threw Shige in front of him and I ran away screaming!! LOL Take note, people when I am threatened with danger, I will try to kill off my friends first. LOL. I really didn't expect that as a reaction. Anyway, Shige was laughing (at me, mind you) and ran after me. I was sooo terrified from then on! Basically, I started anticipating where the zombies could come from and was moving around Shige putting him in the dangerous spots so I was basically circling him!! Each time one of the zombies attacked, I would scream so loud and DART OFF running. But they are seriously freaky. Then one time we walked through 5 different rooms that were just empty, gross, decrept hospital rooms and there were no actors. SO I was really looking ahead and wondering when they were going to get me, I was physically shaking. Then from behind me I hear grumbling and MY GOD one of them had been following us and I almost passed out. Of course instead I ran and at this point I was going to cry but I didn't. LOL it took alot of willpower. After this point, poor Shige had to keep on coaxing me to go and pull me through the rooms. We passed a couple where the guy was trying to convince the girl to go but she was just huddle on the floor, I think crying haha.

At the very end, there is one large room with stretchers of "dead bodies" lining a middle aisle. Obvioulsy we had to walk down and I KNEW that the actors would get me, so I was like I have to be firm! I have to face up to them! and Shige is like: They are just actors!! It's all FAKE. But the second we took a step in, one guy came at us from the side, of course I screamed and ran away, about halfway down the aisle. Shige joined me and I was trying really hard not to run the rest of the way like a baby. So this actor guy is creepily crawling along slowly towards us and while I was totally fixated on him, behind me another actor popped out of nowhere and I nearly had a heart attack! I ran to the end of the room, pulling Shige with me, and then I said "These actors are sooo great!" and I started laughing, Shige was already laughing, and then the two actors started laughing! After a few seconds of "this place isn't so bad", their faces froze, they started to move slowly towards me again, then they darted right at me, and I screamed and ran out like a baby! LOL

It was FUN. And worth the wait. And I will never ever go again. Just once is enough thank you.

That being said, I totally recommend going there if you get the chance!!!!!

It was dark when we came out of the "hospital", and empty, and kinda freaky, so we took photos!

Our train ride home was better than the one there, we had a nap, ate junk food (that's right ON THE TRAIN *gaspsofshockandhorror*, then talked like crazy. When I got home I turned on the heater and sat there bundled in 3 blankets (^^;)


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