Quick notes

Feb 03, 2010 10:45

1. Tasty Maple Kit-kat... there's 2 new flavors this month.. I think I will start a pic-collection of them ^^

2. I am sick again... for the 3rd time since I got here!!!! I am so angry, I cannot figure out why in Canada I never ever got sick, and here it's just one cold/flu after another. I student of mine suggested yesterday as I stared at her glassy-eyed from all the medication, that Japan's cold virus could be different than Canada's and I have no immune system built for it... Is this possible??? I'd want to believe it.

Today I have 10 lessons :( :( :( It's sooo hard to keep my eyes open, my nose just keeps dripping, and my head hurts like crazy >.<

I've missed school yesterday and today :( Which means I need to find magical time to catch up :(

3. It snowed 2 days ago! For a few hours, it was great and beautiful. It melted by the morning... and I cannot figure out why ALL the trains were late and not working properly... and I TAKE THE METRO!! UNDERGROUND!! I cannot understand it.


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