The First of June/Лето пришло!

Jun 01, 2009 09:10

Ooh, my journal’s getting trilingual^^ Congratulations on the first day of summer!
Even though late, I couldn’t fall asleep because of that exciting shampoo scent that I told you about. I sat in my bed with a thought revolving on my mind, ‘He was cold. So cold that you almost see icy vapor coming from him.’ I switched on the light, took a sheet of paper and a pen and started a new fic aimed at using this phrase in the story.
As for Bleach-based fics, I began writing the 3rd one but it didn’t go farther than the title for I lost inspiration((
Ok, that night I dreamt about Osamu-chan who was a magician. When asked to remove tablecloth without dropping utensils on the table he coped with it brilliantly, like a pro waiter. Bravo, Osamu-chan!!)
What else.. erm, I’m not that fond of bling bling, thou my boxes are full of jewelry, I usually don’t wear bracelets or chains and only have a silver ear ring, so I can say I’m quite indifferent to adornments but every rule has its exception - the other day I dropped in a small shop where they sell imitation jewelry and spotted IT at once - a red pendant, a heart-shaped thing that reminded me of a strawberry, dunno why, maybe because of Ichigo from Bleach) If I were not short of funds I’d have bought it. But money doesn’t fall from the sky, though the pic of the sky down there is beautiful, isn’t it?

С первым летним днем вас, друзья!)
Помню ночные посиделки за компом, когда, прихватив чашку с фруктовым салатом, устраивалась перед экраном и смотрела Наруто, эпизод за эпизодом. Было лето, было здорово)
Вообще побрякушками-безделушками я не увлекаюсь, и подарками типа колечек меня не подкупить, хотя шкатулки такого добра полны. Но из каждого правила есть исключение: заглянув недавно в магазинчик, заметила цепочку с красным кулоном в виде сердца, оно мне почему-то напомнило клубнику, и захотелось его приобрести, но, к сожалению, деньги, а их сейчас в обрез, с неба не сыпятся… Красивое небо на картинке, правда?

графика-фото, osamu-chan, graphics-pix, sky・空・небо, writing

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