Dec 17, 2006 11:01

Well, I have to say that this is a pretty late request. >>; Sorry! I forgot to do it earlier. :D But here you go, megan23352! (orlandogirl, I think you requested one too, right?)

Requested icon:

I will be doing a similar icon. :D

So we're going from this
to this

First, start with a base. Any base will do. :D

Take a selection of Syaoran's face, from the top to the bottom of the icon. Move it to the left.

Rotate the image once counterclockwise (CCW).

Now create a new layer. Pick a pale tone from the image. I chose #FFFFFD (which is practically white anyways... >>). Now select a rectangular bar running across the icon on the place were the two images overlap. Color this selection (on the new layer) white.

Now gaussian blur the new layer to 4.7.

Now it's time for text! Decide what you want your icon to say. I used the text "Let go of your worries". I used Y2K Neophyte (pt. 23) for "worries" and Times New Roman (pt. 6) for "let go of". I also alternated colors and added a little tiny text. (colorfilter has good tiny text icons if you need some.)

Now rotate the icon back clockwise (CW).

Now you're going to select a section of Syaoran's eyes. Copy + paste it. Drag the newly pasted layer beneath the white text bar layer. Duplicate that layer and position it directly below the last one.

Go beneath those two layers and use the rectangle tool to outline them in white.

Create a new layer on top of all of the others. Color this layer #FFE7C0. Now set the layer on darken, 22% opacity.

Duplicate the layer, but cut out the part covering the right side of the icon. Now change the layer to screen, 70% opacity.

Add a border if you want (I did. ^^) and the icon is finished.

This is the finished product:

tsubasa, syaoran, resources, tutorial

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