021 .. the real power in this world ain't wardens [video]

Oct 24, 2010 20:17

[Facilier comes on screen looking slightly amused. In spite of his words, though, there's something unusual about his expression, to those who know him - something a little less smug, but not the rage that usually replaces the smugness, either. It's almost genuinely thoughtful.

He's also wearing this, without a hint of self-consciousness.]I was ( Read more... )

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Note under his door - Private filters taken away like a boss :[ darknessb4me October 25 2010, 06:32:09 UTC
We're going to try to find him. He has to be onboard,the floods effect him too.

We need to meet to talk, my warden can see my journal communications.

Not going to murder you.



Spam - lol I love how he had to rule that out amagicalmystery October 26 2010, 00:13:53 UTC
[Facilier waited about five minutes after he received the note, so their meeting up would seem like more of a coincidence, and then he slipped out of his room and walked to the library. He casually sauntered among the books, trying to hide how he was looking between the rows and at the tables for the other inmate.]


Spam - He knows that would be Suspicion #1 darknessb4me October 26 2010, 06:58:45 UTC
[Arthas isn't being subtle about how he's waiting for someone. It's possible he doesn't know how. It's possible if anyone came up and asked who he was waiting for he'd just push a bookshelf over on them.]

Hello, Doctor. Shadow.

[Nods to both. Even if the shade doesn't have a mind of it's own, it acts like it, and that's enough to be careful when it's around.]


Spam - lol I'd love to see him just heave a bookcase on someone for asking the wrong question amagicalmystery October 26 2010, 11:06:31 UTC
[Facilier knows this guy is seventeen kinds of bloodthirsty, normally, but he can't help but be pleasantly amused when the other man goes about greeting Shadow. Most people just don't go that extra mile. Shadow tips his hat to be obliging.]

Evening. How've you been, Arthas?

[He slides into a seat across from him, trying to look conversational and lalala nothing suspicious going on over here~]


Spam - he'd do it c__c darknessb4me October 26 2010, 11:19:44 UTC
Fine - the librarians won't disturb us, I knocked most of the history section off of the shelves.

[He taps the table with a thick finger - srs bsns time.]

Some of us are assembling a team to go after the Admiral.


Spam - it's why we love you, Arthas. (one more tag and then I need to go to work @_@ more tonight.) amagicalmystery October 26 2010, 11:22:26 UTC

[he leans forward, steepling his fingers together]

Who else is in on this?


Spam darknessb4me October 26 2010, 17:12:51 UTC
[He doesn't lean back, just smiles coldly.]

Now, how do I know you won't go to the wardens with this?


Spam amagicalmystery October 27 2010, 00:08:06 UTC
[Facilier gives him an amused look]

You do remember how you invited me not fifteen minutes ago, right?


Spam darknessb4me October 27 2010, 04:08:37 UTC

I wanted to discuss it and still do, and the journals aren't secure for me any more.


Spam amagicalmystery October 28 2010, 01:52:44 UTC
Then why assume I'm a snitch? I'm just reviewin' my options.


Spam darknessb4me October 28 2010, 04:50:51 UTC
If I'd assumed that, you'd be dead.

[He shrugs. It's not even a threat, it's just the truth.]

I'm exercising caution.


Spam amagicalmystery October 29 2010, 02:34:44 UTC
Well, there's less than a handful of wardens I get on with, and I'm not about to tell any of them.


But if there is a plan, I've gotta say I'm the curious type.


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