Nov 05, 2010 19:14
It's been a very odd week.
First, my first major inspection was last week. Our section only at that time 15 days old, got hit with major Air Force Inspection. Our unit made EXCELLENT and base made EXCELLENT which is good good.
Second, I had David "my son" came back in town for Halloween, however what was to be a visit became more permanent.
The crap started sat night and all day Sunday i could have killed him in a bad way. He is seeing the gerl i had issues with when he lived her. She was going around and saying he got her preggers, and her best friend who he also dated after did the same damn thing. Both now are hangin out and she with him. I had enough, he had the balls to ask if they could come in. I was like are you crazy!!!!
NOT NO BE FUCK NO! I don't want them anywhere near here. He has been eating house and home, he did clean kitchen and living room, but i don't have that good vibe. He has already been using things with out asking, a brand new video game was ruined, but he shares that with Lewis.
I didn't want him back at house, life has been great without him. I don't have to worry bout sneaking in gerls, and eating all the food and leaving messes everywhere.
I have put back on weight and feel my bp going back up since he been home. Not to happy bout that.
Good note, I have been going over those 4000 pics I have on a hard drive. They cover the last 10 years of friends and family. I have been using the mac to sort out pics of people and events. I should be posting some pics from events over the years.
My birthday is coming up on the 12th, and I look forward to cake! mmmmmm yes and if any willing volunteers wish to send BB's I would enjoy.
So everyone have a good weekend! I am going back to football game i am running.