Jun 13, 2004 22:30
We made it to Seattle. We braved the elements (a tornado!), a car stalling, and learned to read maps well. Here I am at it feels great. The rest of my time in Chicago was fun, and I miss Aaron and Rose already. Of course. It's great how comfortable we are around each other, and they just feel like family to me. I think Melissa adjusted to it after awhile, or at least she said she did.
We left Chicago early in the morning and Iowa was much more beautiful then I would have expected, and I just wanted to stop the car, lie in the grass and watch the clouds, maybe we should have. The clouds seemed so low to the ground, and bountiful. Full of everything, fire breathing dragons, crazy old men with beards, rabbits and so much more. Nebraska was pretty boring. Lots of nothing. In Omaha, in honor of my beloved bright eyes, we listened to his whining songs and Melissa hated it. Some where near the Nebraska/Whyoming boarder lighting started crashing, illumintating the sky. Beatiful and terrifying, sky to ground. I thought we would bypass the dark storm clouds, instead we went right into them and the rain and hail started crashing. The wind blew the car from left to right even at a slow pace. We pulled over, shaking, I was never so scared in my life. I just kept thinking about my mom and how she had said to watch out for tornado's, and I thought she was crazy. We couldn't see a foot in front of the car. After only a few minutes, the rain let up a bit and we drove slowly to Sidney Nebraska, were we found a room for the night and ate disgusting Arby's (gross!). We learned on the news that a tornado did in fact hit in Sterling Colorado, a mere 30 miles from where we had been. A reported 6 funnels touched down and there was ahil the size of golf balls shattering windshields, sky lights, tons of damage. Whew.
5 mintues left. Update more later.