the strange day was just the beginning

May 21, 2004 09:48

I should call Becca.

It's too early to call anyone.

hmmmm, yesturday was a strange and interesting one.  Well, the first half of it.  the second half was spent with matt and maria eating (definetly not unusual) at Kate's Joint.  After, Matt and I walked aimlessly to kill time before going to see Super Size Me.  It was a good flick, but honestly not too impressive.   Also, being fat, I have all these tied up offenses to this movie.  At one point somone made a comparision of a smoker to a fat person.  If a smoker can be repremanded for their unhealthy, disgusting habit, publicly and without reserve then why can't the same be said to a fat person.  well, it could, and it has, but that doesn't make it socially exceptable.  Actually having been both a fattie and a smoker, I can tell you I got a lot more comments about being fat then I ever did about smoking.  When you put your ciggarette out you can stop being a smoker.  It's not the first thing everyone notices about you.  You could lie, "No, I've quit smoking."  "I'm only a socail smoker."  As you run out the back door to crap a few drags.  You can't exactly lie about being fat.  You can't quit being fat, cold turkey.  There is no such thing as a "3 day hump" for fatties.  They say after 3 days of not smoking, you've made it.  Sorry, after 3 days of dieting, fattie, you are still a fattie.

Sunday, or Monday, I am driving Ian to Cleveland.   (more likely sunday.) I think Jamie Finley said something about being in New York tomorrow.  Something about, just for the day until i mentioned something about going to Cleveland on Sunday or Monday.  I wonder if this means I will be making room for jamie along with Ian's stuff.  I wonder just how much stuff Ian could ecumulate in 5 months in new york city.  I wonder....

oh, who's Ian you ask.

I don't know.

He's part of the interesting part of yesturday.

thoughts, film

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