This is going to be rather a disordered post. I am moving back to college on Tuesday and meant to be packing (
eiri_berry and my other lovely suitemates are holding down the fort already.) These two facts--the disorder and the not-packing--probably correlate directly. If you've been around for any other transitions in my life, you probably know I hate packing; if not, learn now! I hate packing and I hate unpacking; I put off one until the last possible moment and the other until my dissatisfaction with the disorder around my exceeds my unwillingness to do it. The "last possible moment" on this one tends to come a lot later: I've really always worked best under deadlines.
But the thing is, it also makes me terribly guilty, so while I find a multitude of procrastinatory things to do, I don't have the attention span for any of them. This is why the Seishun Novel of Dysfunction is yet unfinished, even though I love it in wrong-shippy, questionably legal ways. This is also most of the impetus for this post.
The rest is stream-of-consciousness.
Happily, I appear to have materialized a job: impressionable first-year tutees, get! I was delighted and terrified when my department head emailed to ask if I wanted to be a Japanese tutor; I really, really did, but was expecting to have to go and beg. On the one hand, very flattering. On the other hand, department head is a tiny Japanese obachan crossed with a tank: she's been known to smack students whose "good morning" was insufficiently polite.
Spent twenty minutes writing and rewriting my response. Humility seemed vital: she was my teacher, my department head, and offering me a job I really wanted. Also, she could eat me. On the other hand, I may have given her an unrealistically optimistic impression of my ability to use keigo. T.T
Zee is singlehandedly convincing me I need to know more about Thai pop.
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Look how gorgeous! Look at that
Unfortunately my Thai is utterly nonexistent; if there's an English fandom, it's very deep in hiding, and I can't force this one into existence through sheer will and translations. So if Zee has more than two music videos, I haven't found them, and I can't find any releases anywhere.
This saddens me and gives me hitherto unconsidered urges to learn Thai. :(
I was going to introduce Zee as my new favorite reverse trap, and then Jing Chang made that competition a lot more complicated.
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I encountered The Little Prince for the first time in high school, as a little paper booklet that my girlfriend printed out and bound and gave me for my birthday. It's sentimental, but I think that unconventional format made the story more special to me, and even though it's tucked away now with all the other notes and letters and paper treasures from people who are different people now, this PV really made me smile. It is also, of course, about the little prince.
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It is probably not too hard to deduce
where I have been lurking. Maybe I should get a Tumblr.
We won't discuss my acquisition of 170+ pokemans in a little over a week.