(no subject)

Jun 22, 2009 10:40

I just had a bit of a surreal moment, guys. I've been on desk for a couple hours now; it's a Monday morning, pretty quiet, and I still can't figure out whether opening alone or actually having coworkers in the morning is the oddity: seems to vary on a weekly basis. Anyway, it's mid-June, the summer school rush hasn't set in yet, and most of the patrons--and there aren't too many of them--are permanent-fixture professors or harried-looking grad students. So when the last girl I checked out (shut up, I know what you're thinking!) looked about twelve, I double-checked her status. She was actually an undergrad--junior.

I thought about that for a moment, mostly "huh, older than me then"--and then it occurred to me that no, she very well might not be. On a whim, I pulled up my own record, which listed six books currently checked out and noted under my patron information that I was also a junior.

Guys, I know this probably should be setting in by now, but it's weird. College junior! I mean, estuansinterius was a junior when we really started talking. I'm going to have to stop calling him old soon or something. More terrifyingly, junior year in high school was when college consideration started; this time around, I guess I need to start thinking about being an actual adult.

Scary stuff, you guys.
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