Pardon me while I slip into my nerd

Mar 09, 2010 12:39

So FF-13 is released today and all the fanboy gamers from 'round the world squeal with masculine joy.


For those who don't know, I'm a gamer. Not as big as I used to be, but nonetheless, still a gamer.

I think I am the only one who's not as excited about the release of Final Fantasy 13 anymore.

Fanboys: BLASPHEMY! We will summon Odin to torch your ass for your negativity!
Me: You idiot. If you're going to torch me, at least use Ifrit's Hellfire or Bahamut's Mega Flare T_T

When FF-13 came out in Japan, Square-Enix didn't even make back 1/3 of their budget that was used in making the game. So now, they're mass marketing it unto the rest of the world to make up for that gap. Why, you ask? Because the world is Square-Enix's mindless zombie puppets when it comes to the FF series. According to reviews, this game is more movie than game play.

As gazerockgrl  has said, "The reason people love the FF series is because of the play," which is absolutely true.

However, eversince the MMORPG version came out some odd years ago, they've been skimming on the hardcore game play and became more focused on the graphics as of late. The LAST FF series with still good game play and graphics to match it was FF-10. I wasn't too crazy about FF-12 because of many reasons which I will list out instead of jumbling it into a paragraphed mess.

1. Lack of control in party members

Back in the old FF games, you got to control every single one of your characters and dictated them what to do with a single press from your gloved arrow. When FF-12 was released, you were only able to control one character, while the other members in your party are CPU. As you get into a fight, you don't have much control of your party in what they're doing, except for the settings you put on them.

Am I the only one who misses bossing every single one of my characters around to do what I want them to? I had a nice "Leroy Jenkins" incident while I was playing FF-12 during the part of the Sandseas where I was supposed to go to the King's Tomb. One of the CPUs started hacking away while I was still strategizing. 15 minutes and a slew of profanites screamed at the television later, there were only TWO remaining party members that survived.

All because of that ONE CPU's stupidity in attacking first.

FF-10 was the LAST in the series to have this in the fighting system and I'm still amazed at Auron's limit break overdrive attack: Throw a jug of sake and torch your ass with a swoop of his sword.

Although it is time consuming to control every one of your party members, at least you know what they're doing and it'll save you a scream or two at the TV.

2. Going into random people's houses for stuff

THIS was the best part of the game for me other than the side quests and mini-games. You go into a village, relax for a bit and explore the town while your brain gets some R&R from the last boss fight. What do you do? Barge into people's homes to see if they have extra potions, phoenix downs, or Gil laying around! I remember in one of the FF games (I think it was either 6 or 7) where one of the people in the house said, "What are you doing in my home? Do we know each other?" Best. Moment. Ever.

In FF-12, items were so scarce and expensive if you were to buy it in the store. It almost makes you not use it at all unless you really needed to. I remember I had to waste 3 phoenix downs on one of my strongest characters as I was shouting, "Stop fucking dying! You're wasting my supply!"

3. Mini-games

FF-7 had the arcade games, FF-9 had the Chocobo Treasure Hunt and FF-10 had Blitzball. Not so much of those in FF-12 or 13 (from what I hear). It was just straight down to business.

If Square-Enix has kept these 3 elements in their series, I think I would love it more.

But, the worst thing is I'm probably going to end up buying FF-13 anyway =A=; It's not for me though; it's for the boyfriend. He's the one with the PS3. I'm going to wait until I move out to get mine >D

brb nerding

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