Nov 30, 2006 21:26
I'm sorry, but I couldn't resist. There was a thread on about brides and grooms who smash cakes in each other's faces when they are feeding one another their first bite of wedding cake. Let it be known that I don't give 2 shits whether or not you like this practice. You might think it's cute, or you might think it's tacky. I don't care. What does bother me, however, is when people make a big deal out of little stuff like this. There were so many responses to that thread that caused me to make a WTF? face. Here are some of them, along with my own commentary:
I heard an old wives tale that people who cake smooshs marriages don't last. I really heard that!!
Just because you really heard that(!!) doesn't mean it's true, moron.
Childish really. Last thing you want is cake all over your nice make up, hair and dress.
Ummm... couldn't you just wipe it off with a napkin or something? Or am I a super-genius for thinking of that?
It took too much time to get all prettied up to have him ruin it with cake.
Again, is your cake made of mud? You can't just wipe it off?
Smashing it is trashy, and why would you want to begin a marriage by assaulting the person you're supposed to love and respect?
Assault? Is that a punishable offense? Assault by cake? Wonder what this fun gal thinks of tickling?
We didn't do it, we agreed ahead of time not to do it. If he had, he would have found himself a divorced man. I didn't put effort into my appearance to look like a idiot in my pics.
See above.
Didnt do it........
and we actually fed each other with forks, like real grown ups! ;)
I'm a "grown-up" and I eat lots of things with my hands. Does she eat finger foods with a fork?
I think it's passive-aggressive and violent, so no for us.
Passive-aggressive? Violent? You know, I don't even know what to say to this one.
Whenever I see this I think of all the pent-up aggression that smush must represent--not flattering at all. Won't do it. Maybe a little dab on the nose, but no more.
Does a dab on the nose represent just a teensy bit of pent-up aggression then? I've gotta say, my fiance and I have playfully put food on one another's faces before and it was not done out of aggression, just silliness. Hmm, now that I think of it, maybe she used "aggression" as a code word for "silliness!"
If he does it, he'll be seeing an annulment soon afterward.
Okay, if you're willing to split up over a little cake, you may want to rethink whether or not you're ready to get married.
Neither of us wants to do this. My FI doesn't like cake and does not want it to get all over his face, and I am spending money to get my hair and make up done and I do NOT want it to get ruined.
What are you, a porcelain doll?
My FI is terrified that some jokester will try to sneak up behind us and smash the cake in our faces, so he wants to station people to be on guard and make sure no one does this, LOL.
He's employing a secret service so he doesn't get a little cake on him? Hello, issues much?
No way! It's completely tacky. Just remind him how much $$ you spent on your dress and if you got frosting or cake on it then the dress is ruined. Also remind him how much $$ you spent to get your make-up done for the day- once you smash cake that money is out the window too.
First of all, was she really planning on wearing the dress again? So who cares if it gets some cake on it?! Secondly, does getting all gussied up for the wedding mean you're not allowed to have fun? If so, I don't think I want to get gussied up for my wedding, then!
IMO it is tacky and sort of disrespectful. I mean I wouldn't want cake smashed all over me after I've spent time and money on makeup and looking beautiful for that day. That's just me though
Again with the money? How much is this chick spending to have someone put makeup on her?
So you see, folks, wedding cake is very Serious Business!