Dear diary

Mar 03, 2011 18:31

I guess this has been okayish day, although I'm  once again suffering from insomnia. I woke up around 2 am and couldn't sleep since then. I read for a while and then just tossed around until around 5:30. One good thing came out of my sleeplessness: I figured out a new plot twist for the Amaclaw story. I'm not sure if it's a bit cliched - I guess I'll ask my sister's opinion when I visit home. She's pretty much the only one I dare to talk to about my writings.

I seem to have caught cold, though, so I'm not sure if I'll go home this weekend. I don't really like travelling when I'm in flu. My nose is running all the time and I have this painful cough that hurts my chest if I cough too much and too hard. I almost passed out today when I was walking to the campus and suddenly had this cough attack. On the top of that, the bottle of cough medicine I have at my place is almost empty and I really don't have energy to go buy a full bottle from the pharmacy. I guess I'll try and hold on until tomorrow.

As for studies, today I've mostly read sociology and finished the articles for the next class on Soviet culture. Didn't get that much out of them (I hope the guys from my group did) and I experienced several moments of despair when I was struggling to understand the book on sociology. Lately I've felt I'm too stupid for uni. I wish I were smart and quick like my siblings.

The course on Swedish art history ended today, finally. Today we talked about the future of "memory organizations" (museums, archives, libraries) and preserving the past. It was done more as a discussion group than as a lecture, and I've got to admit I was kind of bored at times, because all of the topics were so familiar to me from my earlier studies. We need to write "lecture diaries" for the courses, and I'm not sure what I'll write about this class, since the lecturer practically forbid us from making notes. I hate it when I can't make notes when I'm listening to a lecture.

I guess it's kind of ironic that we talked about the vast amount of objects people use and possess nowadays, and after that discussion I went and bought a new pair of shoes. In my defense, I'd been planning on buying a new pair since I don't really have good and nice looking shoes for this late winter-early spring when the snow starts to melt and the days get warmer. I do have a pair of these army boots, but something ugly has happened to my legs and the boots don't look that good on me anymore. So I needed to find a pair of shoes that don't enhance my legs that much and which look good with a skirt. I'm more of a boot person, although I've been trying to learn to use different shoes, too. The pair I found was absolutely perfect - they made my legs look kind of good, had a lacing in the front and go almost to my knees. They have kind of tall wedges, but at least when I tried them out, they felt really good on my feet. Plus they seemed to be really steady, so I think there's no fear of my falling down all the time. I don't like to use heels on the winter because I'd be sliding instead of walking, so I pretty much have to practice my heel walking every spring after using flat-bottom shoes for months. These shoes were just perfect fit, and they weren't even that expensive, so I'm really happy about them and can't wait to get to use them.

Le sigh. I'd like to lounge around for the rest of the evening since I'm too tired to study, but I still have to wash the dishes and figure out what I'll need to take with me if I decide to go home tomorrow. It's just a couple of days, but sis was talking about going out (not sure about that if I'm really getting sick, and I guess I should go see this guy too - why can't I just relax for the weekend?) and I don't want to look like a forester if we do that. Plus I have an exam tomorrow so I guess I should be reading... But I'm just too tired. Damn.

my projects, studies, sick, reading, history, home, classes, tired, weekend, my sis, chores, insomnia, ugly, me, shoes

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