Sep 13, 2003 22:35
I was just thinking while I was driving earlier, about this book I put back on the shelf at work, about the afterlife. And I got to pondering, wouldn't it be damn nice if we suddenly understood everything when we died? Screw heaven or hell or a thousand lovely virgins, I just want to know a few things and I'll be happy. Maybe someone just sits down and has a chat with your soul or just all of a sudden you see everything, all the answers to the unanswerables. Like what the meaning of life really is, why we're here, what religion is the closest to the truth, is there a God? How were humans created, was it really evolution, an accident? Why did the dinosaurs die? Is there life on other planets? Why do bad things happen to good people? Why do good things happen to bad people? Why do people hurt each other? And why are those we love hurt? Why do we love? Why do we hate? Are humans inherently good or evil? Why do some people commit such senseless acts of evil, and why are some people saints? Do we have souls? Who let the dogs out? Then after answering the important stuff, they would let us know all the little things, like why such and such happened, why someone hurt us, or left us, or where they went, or how they felt, and why this happened, or how you made them feel... Then you would know stuff like where that thing you were looking everywhere for went, a T-shirt that never came out of the wash, a gadget you bought and never saw again, my F*ing license which just disappeared, God would I like to know where that went.
If it is true what some buddhists say, then after we are a brahmen, (or the highest of the social class) our soul does not reincarnate anymore, but instead joins the whole of everything on earth and all of life. Then would that happen? Would you finally know everything? All I know now is that I know almost nothing, except this clever line from a song, "I wish that I knew what I know now, when I was younger" I like that, that's a good saying, wait, wait, and this one applies too, " I think therefore I am" -Descartes