I should put a subject here

Dec 29, 2005 22:14

Well it's that time again I guess........

We deemed my mountain bike "un-ride-able"(with hyphens cuz it's cool) yesterday. It can still be repaired, but a.)when I have more time and money, and b.) when I can talk to my dad's friend about a reduced price on the welding. They just HAD to try cutting through my frame huh? Stupid bike thieves at OSU. Anyway, so in the mean time, I had gone all term for the first time without a bike. I was fine if you must know, but I kinda missed it. So, when a cheapo bike came along, and the price was then cut in half, I had to jump at the opportunity. So I now have a replacement bike for the rest of the year, and this will hopefully turn into having two available bikes to ride in the future. The reason for this is, my original bike is a mountain bike, with big shocks and a heavier frame, and bigger tires, but this new bike is a road cycle with really small tires, no shocks, and a really light frame. Both have their place and both are extremely fun to ride. I had never had the experience of riding a street/road bicycle before until today. It was Awesome! Though I can tell I havn't riddin in a while. I went out down North Vally Road for a ways, then down the road you take to get to Hagg Lake, but left instead of right, because it was pouring, AND I was already tired. Kind of sad I realize compared to what I used to do, but it'll come back. I must pace myself though, I found it so fun because this new bike is so light to go as fast as I could, because my mountain bike could only go like half the speed I can on this bike. Anyway, to make a short story long, I will need to pace accordingly, but work my way back into riding! I'm excited!

moving on....

Last night was freakin Awesome! Had a shindig dinner and game night and it was really a lot of fun. We went to McCormick and Schmick's(sp?) and had tasty food and we even had curtains that closed at our booth. That added some extra privacy (pronounced the british way of course) and we even had chocolate mousse and other goodies for dessert. Good times. Anyway, after that we headed back to my house for general fun and frivolity! And much was had! We started with the Scene it game, but the Harry Potter edition. Yeah that was sweet! and then we moved on to Catch Phrase. I loved this game the most I think. Amanda and I seemed to be on relatively the same wavelength the whole time, which made for awesome energized guessing, but also resulted in laughing so hard I cried!! Love that game. Yeah so after that we then said goodbye to Beth and Mark *tear* but only for the evening. ;) Then we played the whoosit game, and that made for fun times, especially when we played it the opposite way by putting down what people hate the most instead of like, however this proved to be more of a challenge, so thus ended up being what people liked least instead of hated in part because of the original premise of the game. Anyway it was Amazing (that was for you Jeremy). The evening pretty much wrapped up after that. But It was truly a memorable night that will not be forgotten!

Speaking of not forgotten, I will not forget Memoirs of a Geisha. I really liked that movie. It turned out way better than I thought it would, and I really enjoyed the characters. Amanda really said it right when we were discussing it afterward, she said it was cool how there as no solid line between "good" and "bad" people. All the "good" characters still messed up from time to time and the "bad" people were still very much pityable, and you could understand their actions to an extent. I think that this is very much part of what makes this movie neat. Also, I was glad that they really made it clear that Geisha weren't prostitutes, but instead sold their trade. That they were walking works of art, that danced, sang, and made witty conversation to entertain the party. I thought that was neat. Anyway, I enjoyed that movie.

You know what I also am enjoying?.......this Fern Gully Soundtrack....It's very cool. I've had it for like a year on my computer, but never listened to it....as Rose shudders....but anyway, it's pretty good!


So I must also say, there is just something fun about going to a mall and trying on twelve-hundred dollar coats!! I had a grand ol' time with it. There's really no reason for it, but I thought it was kinda fun.

moving on....feeling kinda random......

I really hope next term starts out on a good note. I hope the whole thing goes well in general I guess. Although I can't see how it wont, I love the work I'm doing in my major, I have friends I care about, I get to TA in a freakin DANCE class!! and I have my hopes up for snow maybe. Probably wont happen, but one can wish right? I guess the point is really that I am entirely too lucky to be where I am now, but I'm also grateful for it. Here's to good times ahead I guess..

And I just got entirely too sentimental. Oh well.
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