Today was a typical Sunday at Pebbles Pub. Started with me getting both bleach and pepper in my right eye within the first two hours...
Around 4ish, a woman came in who I recognized as my neighbor from downstairs - Katey; we live in the apartment dirrectly above her. We started talking, joked about how we've been living in the same building for seven months and haven't met yet, etc. She has a fifteen-month-old son, Paul.
Paul had been introduced to me as "Paul Jr." about an hour earlier by his Dad, Paul - another customer of mine who I've seen four or five times since I started working at Pebbles. The first time I met Paul at Pebbles, he recognized me from one of my shrink's offices. Not really important but weird enough to note.
Apparently Katey and Paul had broken up some months ago, and she got her own apartment here; her and I moved in on the same day. They split custody of Paul Jr.
So now it's Father's Day, and Paul has Paul Jr, and they come to eat at *where else* Pebbles. Paul also has three skanky-looking ladies with him... one might be his sister? I initially assumed that one of them was Paul Jr's Mom, but I was wrong. After Paul and company were there about an hour and half, Katey shows up, we meet. I ask her if she's meeting someone there, and she says, "Sort of." Paul and company leave, and some friends of Katey's show up; few girls, few guys; she introduces me to all of them: Stacy, Whatsherface, Randy, Whatshisface... and one other guy... Whatshisface #2.
The night goes on, we close, they leave. Jon shows up as I'm almost done closing.
Side Story: Our apartment has mice. Hyperintellegent mice. I want them gone because I don't feel comfortable sleeping with them running amuck, nor do I like their droppings around. They've outsmarted the live-trap. I was telling Amy and she offered to let me borrow one of her cats. I ran this by Jon and he said No, because it would be more inhumane than a lethal trap, because the cat would torture the mice. (But we all know it's just because he doesn't want a cat in the apartment... don't blame him there.) I got all pouty because I was looking forward to having a pet for a while, and getting rid of the mice.
Back to Pebbles: Jon tells me about an apparent stray cat (no collar) in the neighborhood that kind of took a liking to him.
I've seen the cat too. It was camped out under my car one morning, and another guy in the parking lot said he thought that someone had moved away and left the cat here.
He offered to let me have the cat if no one claims it anytime soon!
So we got home, the cat ran up to us like it was waiting for us in the parking lot. I scooped it up, brought it in, fed it, and lost it.
After looking for about an hour, we found it under the couch. After 15 minutes, we coaxed it out from under the couch. The plan was to feed it, and then let it back out, because its belly looked like she had kittens that she was nursing; didn't want to keep her from her litter.
So we got the cat out from under the couch and I took it back outside. It sat on the porch and looked in at me, mewing, through the glass door as I went up the stairs. What could I do? So went and sat with it and pet it for a while.
(Now, I told you that story so I could tell you this one.)
All of a sudden, a man comes around the corner from the parking lot and shouts "Is this seventeen thirty-one?"
(It is, so I shout) "Yeah." But this wasn't just any man. This was a man with a familiar shilouette and voice. "... Randy?"
"Oh man Amy! Am I glad to find you here. You gotta come help me with Kat. She's fallen down drunk."
"What cat? This cat?" Because I was playing with the neighborhood stray.
"No, Katey. She's passed out drunk. I have her over in 1729, all these dan buildings look the same."
Small freakin' world. In 7 months I've said maybe seven words to my downstairs neighbor. In one day I meet her, and a handful of her friends, and help to save the day!
So Randy and I go to 1729 where Katey is laying in the foyer. Apt C in that building happened to be unlocked, but was a sty, and Randy said he knew better, that Katey wouldn't have an apartment like that. So together, we manage to hoist Katey up, down the stairs, around the corner, back up the stairs in the right building.
All the while I'm marveling at the amazing set of circumstances that brought the three of us here.
Randy is fiddling with her keys to unlock her apartment, while I'm holding her, and she hurls on my feet. My bare feet. *gross*
We get her inside and lay her on the couch, on her side, and set up the trash bin so that when she barfs, it goes out of her mouth (as opposed to her swallowing it), and into the trash. I hear a door open in the building, and know that it's Jon, wondering where I am because I was only supposed to put the cat out. So I go into the foyer and catch Jon coming down the stairs. I introduce him to Randy, who sings my praises and says he's too old to be doing this. Jon laughs that he's glad I'm ok; he came down looking for his girlfriend, only to find the cat by itself on the porch, and a puddle of vomit in the foyer.
I'm still marveling at the circumstances.
I went down to let the cat out, and wound up dragging the Kat in.
Randy is good people though. I totally respect him for taking care of Kat like that. I'm really glad to have met him. Haha, we bonded.
I don't think any less of Kat either. She seems really cool too. Had a rough day, but still really cool.
All in one day... all in one evening really. Crazy. Really Crazy. If it hadn't been Father's Day (because Paul had Paul Jr.)... If Paul hadn't decided to come to Pebbles... If we didn't have these mice... If Amy hadn't offered her cat... If Jon hadn't found that stray... If we hadn't lost it in the apartment for an hour...
I'm still marveling at the circumstances.