Sep 14, 2008 22:34
This was my second weekend working a 2nd job. A friend of mine who runs a gas station needed someone to open on weekends, and I needed to try and make more money, so we came to an agreement. It's an interesting job. Not completely like Clerks, but still fun when I'm working with the right people. I see a pretty wide variety of people, and find myself amazed when people do things like buy beer, and then buy gas with the change leftover. It's not hard work, for little money, but it's something. Hopefully it makes a difference in the long run.
One more week in this cluster. I need to see if I can still register for the next cluster. If I can, only 3 more months before the MBA is done. I started looking into PhD programs this week, but I haven't made any decisions yet. I know that I want to get the PhD, but I don't know what I want to concentrate on. If I want to go for History and try to alter my career path completely, I'll need to go back and get my MA in History first. If I do that, it'll take a while, since the only History programs I've found are traditional.
Other things haven't changed much. Bills are sort of being paid. Uncomfortable conversations are taking place with creditors who have no qualms about letting me know exactly how screwed up things have become in my life. Thank you, Messieurs Obvious.
I could, and probably should, stretch this out with more detail, but honestly, I'm tired. Maybe later.