Sydney and stuff...

Apr 05, 2007 16:37

Apologies for any spelling mistakes in this post; my fingers are about to fall off due to hypothermia. Studid uni is freezing today. Everywhere is cold here and sitting in a freezing room for a three hour lecture without moving is not at all conducive to staying warm. However, the lecture was great and the guest lecture was as entertaining and intelligent as promised. I got full marks on my quiz again too. Go me. Didn't think I'd ever be getting full marks in Philosophy.

It's Easter and that means Hot Cross Bun's (Easter buns if I want to be politically correct) under the grill with melted butter. This is one of my favourite foods and I love that they are a seasonal food that are only enjoyed for part of the year. They make me happy (I recognise this is an emotional attachment to food but, we all have our vices and it just so turns out that mine isn't chocolate).

Sydney was fantastic as usual. I love it there but I don't think I could live there. Pretty sure I'm still recovering from my rather substantial Vodka consumption yet I'm in far better shape than my brother who, over the course of 72 hours, consumed eighteen Krispy Kreme's. His comment was 'my arteries hurt'. Yuck. If you are in Sydney or heading there soon, I highly recommend an outing to Malaya on Kings Wharf. We had a most fabulous dining experience there. The food was outstanding, impeccable service (you know how you know they have heaps of staff on yet they are so unintrusive and lovely all at the same time?) and did I mention the food was amazing? They have a great bar too. The shopping was ok. I didn't really buy much and didn't get anything for myself. I made a visit to Chanel, Prada, Burberry, Bvlgari, Lacoste, Alex Perry (drool) and loads of other places. It was Paspaley Pearls that took my breath away. I made sure to message Amy and suggest that we'd look great in all those pearls and diamonds. She and I share a love for such things. Made a trip to the Lindt Cafe with mum and Aunty Lyn though that was a fruitless experience as I don't eat chocolate. The oohs and ahhs and approving comments made about their Mocha's suggest that if you love chocolate, you should make an effort to indulge yourself.

By far, my favourite part of the weekend was catching up with my family. Alex was ecstatic that we had made the trip down for them. He and I had such a nice time on the Friday night (Brooke was at a work function) and he nodded and gave me approving looks when we spoke about all the exciting things that have been happening. Saturday saw us at Alex and Brooke's for their engagement party. They live in Newtown in the cutest little button of a house that you've ever seen ( I think it's about the same size as a button too). When we arrived I heard Brooke squeal loudly 'My family is here' before she bounded up and gave me the biggest hug. She then proudly paraded me around to all her friends. Justin was just as excited to see us and I met his girlfriend for the first time (actually, she's the only girlfriend of his that I've met. He doesn't ever keep them long enough for us to meet them). Olya is just lovely. She's from Siberia and is heading to Germany next year as part of her International Studies degree. Brooke's ring is.....well, it's huge. 1.6 carats of sparkly, shiny diamond (yes, just the one) set in platinum. We drank, ate, drank, drank and drank some more and I came away from the evening having made one conclusion, Sydney men that aren't in a relationship desperate. It's really not ok to assume that since I'm not married, I want to marry you and have your babies. Nor is it ok to ask if I want to play naked twister when I'm standing in between my dad and my uncle's. That sort of thing doesn't go down well.

OK, really cold. Need to defrost. Think I'm going to head home and consider what on earth I'm going to cook for dinner.
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