There is no doubt that the dim sum and Asian food in Hong Kong rawks but after consecutive days of eating the same stuff over and over again, you start to crave for something non-Asian. B.T suggested
Isola which is a rather posh Italian restaurant over at IFC.
I can't recall how much exactly we paid since that was 2 months back but it wasn't over the top not that cheap. You do get to enjoy a beautiful view of Hong Kong and the food is pretty delicious. Isola is pretty known for their paper thin crust pizzas which I do agree are good and the pastas were up to standards as well. The bar upstairs is a cool hang out area with a decent serving of drinks.
I would go back again but it's not a 'must-go'. The service and ambience is nice and the food of standards and a nice break away from the typical Hong Kong cuisine but it isn't something that I would go gaga over.
Shop 3071-75
Level 3, IFC Mall
Hong Kong