Fucking OC Transpo

Dec 09, 2008 21:33

So I was totally an hr late for my exam today. Sheesh.

I left at 730 to get to my exam at 9... it usually only takes an hr max to get to school. There conveniently was a snowstorm beginning when I went outside. So, I wait 20 minutes for my bus to come, and then when we get to the main road, Hunt Club, traffic is at a standstill. So its like 830 when I get to Billings Bridge, where I have to change buses, and I get on the 118. Well, just my luck the 118 breaks down. Fuckers. On the transit way. So they get us another bus, which for some reason was a 116....and it backtracks! It goes right by my street and goes the OTHER WAY to get to algonquin. Well fuck I was halfway there at Billings Bridge. Fuckers. So not impressed. And now, the buses are on strike. so how the fuck am i going to get to my exams tomorrow and thursday? Who knows. Bah.
Also: Being drunk at 1pm is AWESOME
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