Jan 29, 2016 09:44
1. What type of birth control (Condoms, pills, pulled out) did you use, if any?
Tricira lo (ortho tri cyclen lo generic)
2. Were there any problems with your protection (condom breaking, missing pills)?
Took one pill about 18 hours late and then continued taking my pill as usual that day and for the rest of the pack (as the pamphlet says to do, without backup protection).
I normally take my pill at noon but some days, I wasn't as on the dot as usual because of my schedule at work.
3. Are you trying to get pregnant, or avoiding it?
Avoiding it.
4. How many days are between the first day of one period and the first day of your next?
I'm not sure - because I'm on the pill, I don't chart it closely. Generally, it comes at the end of the month, after starting a new pack at the beginning of the month.
5. Any big changes which could change your cycle (major change in diet, exercise, new medication, new stress?)
I was sick with a bad cold and sinus infection over new years for about a week and it really wore me down. I started in a new role at work at the beginning of January and have been very stressed about it and what will happen with my role when my contract ends in a few months (I could be unemployed). It's triggered a bit of depression and anxiety that I deal with from time to time.
6. What was the month/day your last period started?
My placebo week started on Sunday and I haven't had my period yet. My last period started a few days before the new year.
7. What date(s) did you have sex?
Other than this week, when I'm supposed to have my period, we have sex a few times each week. I don't chart this.
8. Where was ejaculation(in vagina, in condom, pulled-out)?
In vagina.
9. Is there anything else that makes you think you're pregnant?
My period isn't usually this late in coming during my placebo week (I'm a Sunday start and it usually comes mid-week), although I know that it can come at any point during the week. It makes me feel uneasy and I've started questioning my pill taking and trying to think back and remember what I could have done wrong.