Jan 13, 2014 16:31
1. What type of birth control (Condoms, pills, pulled out) did you use, if any?
Pill (Yasmin) and condom
2. Were there any problems with your protection (condom breaking, missing pills)?
Not that i know of.
3. Are you trying to get pregnant, or avoiding it?
4. How many days are between the first day of one period and the first day of your next?
23-25 days. i am regular with the pill.
5. Any big changes which could change your cycle (major change in diet, exercise, new medication, new stress?)
General stress of work and some digestive problems.
6. What was the month/day your last period started?
Jan 2 to Jan 6
7. What date(s) did you have sex?
Dec 14-15 (it is way before my period, i know)
8. Where was ejaculation(in vagina, in condom, pulled-out)?
in condom while inside me
9. Is there anything else that makes you think you're pregnant?
Feeling bloated and my natural vaginal discharge is more than i am used to. Of course it might be the same but i am paying too much attention to it now.
i know the chances are extremely slim to none that i am pregnant (considering i had my period and all) but just wanted to get your opinion for the peace of my mind