Mar 21, 2013 08:13
1. What type of birth control (Condoms, pills, pulled out) did you use, if any? Condoms
2. Were there any problems with your protection (condom breaking, missing pills)? Not that I know of
3. Are you trying to get pregnant, or avoiding it? AVOIDING!
4. How many days are between the first day of one period and the first day of your next? between 25 and 28 for the past 3 or 4 months.
5. Any big changes which could change your cycle (major change in diet, exercise, new medication, new stress?) massive amounts of stress (I have an anxiety disorder and this is not helping) and I moved back to school after 2 weeks of being at my safe, relaxing home environment...
6. What was the month/day your last period started? Feb 28
7. What date(s) did you have sex? March 5, twice. One of those times he didn't finish, but we still used a condom both times.
8. Where was ejaculation(in vagina, in condom, pulled-out)? In vagina in condom.
9. Is there anything else that makes you think you're pregnant? I've been experiencing a ton of bloating and gas this week... more than my normal amount before my period. I find this whole thing really strange because I get pretty bad ovulation cramps and they occurred on March 14 and 15, which should put my mind at ease that I did not ovulate at a fertile time. Still, I get bad anxiety like this every time I have sex and I don't agree with HBC so I guess I have to deal with it. If anyone could give me any advice, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks so much in advance.