Feb 25, 2013 23:42
1. What type of birth control (Condoms, pills, pulled out) did you use, if any? I've been off HBC since November 2012.
2. Were there any problems with your protection (condom breaking, missing pills)? N/A
3. Are you trying to get pregnant, or avoiding it? Trying to get pregnant.
4. How many days are between the first day of one period and the first day of your next? An average of 29 days. Currently I'm on CD28.
5. Any big changes which could change your cycle (major change in diet, exercise, new medication, new stress?) Nothing except the usual trying to conceive stress (which I've had for months).
6. What was the month/day your last period started? Tuesday, January 29.
7. What date(s) did you have sex? Around expected ovulation/fertile days (Feb 8, 11, and 15). ff.com predicted O date as Feb 11 but changed to Feb 13 after input of temps. I stopped temping consistently after Feb 16 for different reasons.
8. Where was ejaculation(in vagina, in condom, pulled-out)? Ejaculation in vagina all times.
9. Is there anything else that makes you think you're pregnant?
Here's a long list:
Feb 16-18 LOTS of clear/watery CM from Feb 19-22 a significant amount of creamy white cm. CM has since decreased a bit but still there and creamy. Starting Feb 18, my sense of smell has become more sensitive, especially to smoke and sweet smells. Starting Feb 22, I've had a very annoying and semi-constant copper/bitter taste in my mouth, especially when I drink anything. I've had my friends and husband taste my drinks/food after I get the nasty taste and they say it tastes fine.
The problem: Negative pg test Feb 22 and 24. Went to GP doctor because I've had a sore throat since Feb 21-nothing really bad, just annoying. Negative strep test and doc says the copper taste and sore throat could be from allergies (despite the fact that I've been taking my allergy medicine every day and have not had any sinus issues for over two months). I took a test after the doc apt at 3pm on Feb 25. The test was a Clearblue Plus. At first glance the test read negative. However, after about five minutes of administering the test, I could see a VERY faint line that would read as pregnant. However, the line was SO faint that I had to look at it in the right light and at the right angle in order to see the positive line. :/
My period is due either Feb 26 OR Feb 27 since my cycles aren't always a set number of days. I don't feel like my period is coming on, but I don't always get cramps and stuff before my period starts. :/ Not knowing is driving me insane and I sort of feel crazy for seeing such a faint line on the test. My husband was at work until really late so I didn't get a chance to get a second set of eyes to check out the test before it was too late. I've decided to wait to take a test until the morning of Feb 27 if I don't get my period tomorrow.
Do you think I'm pregnant? Has anyone else ever had SUCH a faint positive line on a pg test? Has anyone had a copper taste in their mouths from allergies?? I've NEVER had a copper taste in my mouth and I've heard it can be a pregnancy symptom.. UGH! I feel like tearing my hair out!
Thanks in advance for any advice and encouragement! :)