Stats and Permissions

May 20, 2010 18:06

Age: 16
Height: He's tall for is age at 5'9", along with big feet of 26cm!
Weight: 100 pounds though he eats like his stomach is a bottomless pit.
Eyes: Faded teal
Hair: Charcoal
Can you push Yoite around/beat him up etc?: Sure, go ahead! He wont take it sitting down and can still put up a good fight for a dying kid.
Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: No, no and no! unless you are Miharu, Yukimi or seriously brave. I say no - but you can still try. Yoite hates physical contact for three reasons. (1) It can sometimes hurt him (2) He just hates people getting that close, and (3) it confuses him why you'd want to.
Maim/Murder/Death: YES, but talk to me first, please if you're thinking about it.
4th-walling: I don't mind if people know about him, but if they aren't someone from the world of Nabari, Yoite won't 4th wall and act like he knows you, even if I know the canon/fandom you're muse is from.

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