Maou Episode One <3

Jul 05, 2008 15:25

I finally watched Maou! ^^;

The best birthday present anyone could give me. Well, virtually. ((:

I have to say, despite making my mind NOT to buy the next single from Arashi, "Truth" tempt me like no other. Mainly cause

1) The song is super catchy.

2) I hope it's true.. when I heard it for the first time, it seems to me that Ohno has many solo verses - Another good point

3) Its the OST for Ohno Satoshi's drama. (>.<)

4) I like how the rest of the guys' voices blend together. <333

Onwards to pictures!

I was honestly nervous that Ohno would not be able to deliver, seeing that he tends to mumble, and spaced out. But I have to say, he's totally different in the drama!

But first!

The Opening

Woah. Nino's name... strategic. Very. I guess announcing to the world that Nino is your most favourite isn't enought huh Ohno-kun?

-dies- The Smirk.

Of course, Ohno's ichiban's important moment

I have to say, he managed to keep his real emotion in tact. Well you know.... with the temptation and what not..


and yes, scenes which showed Ohno's full capabilites as an actor.

With expressions like these, how could you not feel... moved?

I certaintly did.

Ohno <3

Overall, I do like the plot. Like how i went obsessed with Security Police, I'm sure I will too with this drama.

Now if only friday will come early.......

maou, ohno, drama

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