Fic: The Light That Shines Behind Your Eyes (JMxSH) NC-17, TW - Interlude

Mar 05, 2012 18:19

The Light That Shines Behind Your Eyes
By AnonyMouseHatesCaptcha

Rated: NC-17 (overall)
Spoilers: TRF
Pairings/Characters (overall): Moriarty/Sherlock, John, Mycroft, Sebastian Moran

Warnings: Non-con, violence, language.

Summary: Sequel to "Stop Crying Your Heart Out". Set after the fall. Moriarty is alive and he's determined to keep Sherlock closer than ever.

Link to the original prompt is here. Note that it is super triggery.

A/N - Large images. Additional warning for this chapter: Use of an ableist slur (the reason for it, besides trolls being trolls, will come into play later.)

Part 1: The Groundwork

Part 2: The Sleeper

Part 3: The House

Part 4: The Redefinition

Interlude: The Personal Blog of Dr. John H. Watson

Text version:

From The Personal Blog of Dr. John H. Watson
Sherlock Lives?

Hi everyone, sorry for taking a few days to tackle this topic. I was away for a bit of camping for the weekend with no phone or Internet access (my girlfriend Mary's idea. She hated it, of course, not that she's ever going to admit that.), so I didn't really know anything until I switched my mobile on this morning and saw all the missed calls (quite a lot, by the way, I haven't felt so popular in years.)

I know that many of you were waiting for my response. So without further ado, let me just say:

No, I don't believe it.

I've had a chance to read the article in The Sun's (and you can be sure that it brought back some memories - one guess who penned it?) And I've watched the video as well. I'm not going to link it here and give them anymore traffic; I'm assuming you've all seen it already.

Guys, it's a hoax. I don't know who came up with it, but at best it's just a tactless plot by the media. At worst, it's Moriarty playing games with us. Again. If it is Moriarty, I wonder if it's related to the break-in at Baker's Street somehow. Maybe I'm just being paranoid.

Most likely it's just look-alike, or the video's been edited, I don't know. I admit, it's a very good resemblance, but the footage is just a few seconds of terrible quality, and you can't even hear anything. I know they said that the video is unedited and that the timestamp is impossible to fake, but I'd only trust The Sun's experts as far as I could throw them. So in conclusion: it's a fake. It's a very good fake, but it is one nevertheless.

Whatever Ms. Reilly's playing at, it's not journalism. It's emotional exploitation of the worst kind. It's vulturistic. Frankly I find the whole thing shameful. I was there when Sherlock died, for God's sake!


I never believed it for a second! The tabloids are just having a slow newsday >:(
Jacob Sowersby 29 June 18:14

This is really messed up. Sorry you had to come home and see this.
Bill Murray 29 June 18:17

wow craziest thing ever.
cutie_007 29 June 18:18

Hi John, I'm here if you need someone to talk to. Someone who knew Sherlock I mean, I know you have Mary.
Molly Hoopper 29 June 18:20

Sorry, that came out a bit wrong. I just mean, I'm here if you need me.
Molly Hoopper 29 June 18:20

LOL, wank in 5..4..3..2..1..
Tommy Boyl 29 June 18:22

Can't believe people still care about that autistic fuck.
umad_94 29 June 18:22

LOL, told you so.
Thanks for proving my point.
Tommy Boyl 29 June 18:24

Hello John, please call me back.
E Thompson 29 June 18:31

diaf umad_94!!!! show some respect jfc
theimprobableone 29 June 18:35

What the fuck, that's beyond vile. John, let me know if you need me to come over for a bit.
Harry Watson 29 June 18:43

John, where are you? Please pick up the phone.
Mary Morstan 29 June 18:47



A/N - I have to be honest, I find Jacob's blatant fanboy act on par with Jim's creepiness. That video, oh my God, stalker alert! I wouldn't be surprised if he's actually another Moriarty brother in disguise. Who is also called James. LMAO, this story already has three different ones already, what's one more James Moriarty.

A/N #2: That second image from The Sun is supposed to be a cutout, but I messed it up a bit. I'm having a lot of fun with this story, you can probably tell ^_^

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