Title: Beautiful Creature
Challenge: #41 - Lost
Pairing: Karyu x Tsukasa (D'espairsRay)
Notes: Triple drabble, and the mood in this one turned out just the way I wanted it to. My first D'espa fanfic -- are all D'espa fanfics about bondage? Tsukasa reflects on the nature of his relationship with Karyu.
Tsukasa inhaled deeply, savoring the acrid burn filling his lungs. He held his breath, staring past the glowing ember of his cigarette to silently study his sleeping lover. Sickly pale moonlight bathed Karyu’s serene face, lighting him in a waxy spotlight against their dark sheets.
Tsukasa chided himself for using such a tired cliché, but Karyu really did look like an angel when he slept - peaceful and perfectly tranquil, with his dark fringe of eyelashes fanned across his porcelain-smooth skin. His soft, full lips were barely parted, neither smiling nor frowning. Karyu’s sleeping mouth always begged to be kissed, but Tsukasa resisted, content to enjoy the beautiful visage without interruption.
How often did Tsukasa wake up, creep out of their bed, and admire Karyu like this? Often enough, Tsukasa admitted to himself - whenever he had the opportunity, and after every time Karyu was rough or cruel. Tsukasa drug again on his cigarette, lightly fingering the tender flesh on the side of his throat that he knew would bloom into a violet bruise by dawn. Lifting his gaze from Karyu, Tsukasa was tempted to remove the restraints that still hung from the headboard - the sturdy leather and buckles stood in stark contrast to the slumbering angel beneath. Even in twilight, Tsukasa could see the rough, ruddy chafing on his thin wrists, leftover from where he had struggled against those cuffs.
Taking the last hit from his cigarette, Tsukasa wondered briefly why he let Karyu hurt him, leave marks on him, torment him. But he already knew the answer. Tsukasa lost himself when he was lying beneath Karyu. He lost his inhibitions, self-awareness, and shame. He lost his insecurities and doubts. He lost his reason and his heart.
With a wanton smile, Tsukasa curled back into his lover’s embrace - lost, but found.